This photo was taken during one of our training days! We were sent on a "digital" scavenger hunt for various photos. One was that we all had to be in, on or pushing the shopping cart all at once! Well, we did it with 2 of us in the cart and one on while the other 2 tried to push. One funny part, was that the photo was taken by one of our student's dad! He loved that we were acting like kids.
Now, do you see why I was so tired after the week?? Oh, and that is me in the pink/red/whatever color that is, in the front sitting on top of another teacher!
But, today is a new day, and it is Tuesday! So...on to the tip. I saw this tip on another blog, but unfortunately, cannot remember whose it was. If it was you, please let me know so that I can give credit where it's due.
I LOVE binders!! I have started using them for everything and can't get enough of them. This week, I want to show you how I use ONE to hold information for my kids classes, church activities, sports, my classes, etc. It is my "Mom Binder".
The very front holds the student county calendar. VERY important to have this little jewel close by.
I have tab dividers in it for each child and activities. Then, I put in sheet protectors to hold information that will get looked at throughout the year. I could 3 hole punch all of the papers and then file them away, but I
At the very front of each child's section, I have their class newsletter. This way, I have the important dates close by. Like yesterday, when my oldest reminded me that he had 2 tests scheduled for today. Had I actually read the newsletter when I put it in the protector, I would have known this. But, that part of the lesson is for another day (actually reading information from the teacher).
I love my "Mom Binder" and keep in in the living area, so that I have it when I need it.
This is a really great idea! Thanks Julie!